Thursday, December 4, 2008

Remember your new year resolutions list?

- Work out 3 or 4 times per week
- Get a full time job
- Get a new pair of glasses
- No more tears
- Read 10 books or more
- Drink less coffee
- Eat less junk/fast food
- Vegetarian diet one day per week
- Try to find someone you love
- Hold your temper
- Start a blog
- Dental check-up / cleaning
- Save more $ than spend
- Keep my room clean and tidy
- Learn a new skill, language, whatever
- Think positive and be happy always

Can you believe this? It's already the 4th day of Decemeber. For me 2008 has been a turbulent year to say the least. There were times of good and bad, up and down, smooth and rough. Some promises I made to myself on Jan 1 were kept, some were kept for a short while and later dismissed, some were completely forgotten.

In the past two days, I went to the dentist for cleaning and also went to the the optomitrist to get a new pair of glasses (it's been 3 yrs lol). Just to get some more items in before the year's end!

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