Saturday, August 30, 2008


思念 - 蔡健雅

Tanya's new song. It has a similar vibe as 達爾文 last year, which happens to be my favorite song of 2007.


Tanya's smooth-silky voice, indie folk-rocker image, and songwriting skills slowly and solidly brought her popularity and recognition throughout the past 11 years. You never hear or see her in tabloid papers. You'll only get to know her through her music and lyrics. Again, it's the authenticity that makes her one of my favorite singer-songwriters.

First heard of Tanya Chua back in 2000 when I first listened to 903, at the time True Love was a big hit at the station. At that time, 903 was still a medium that endorses indie music, unlike today. Then in 2002, Jan Lamb used her song Day & Night as the ending-theme song for the same titled radio drama featuring Jacky Cheung and Sandy Lam.

Looking back, 903 really had a huge influence on my music taste and interest. However, since a while back the station has changed course and indie music is no longer played as often....

My Favorite Tanya Tunes:

01 . 達爾文: 保持單身 忍不住又沉淪 兜著圈子來去又是苦等

02. True Love: 然後安慰自己緣分自有安排 縱然心中充滿了脆弱無奈

03. Day & Night: 明明擁抱過 卻還像夢一樣不實在

04. 夜盲症: 為何一到黃昏 寂寞好深 遮住回你懷裡的路程

05. 二手煙: 愛有時像二手煙 才剛熄滅已蔓延

06. 如果你愛我: 如果說我愛著你 而你卻比較愛自己 我想那就不是我的問題 那不過是現代人的愛情

07. 呼吸: 呼吸 我需要多一點空氣 思念幾乎讓人窒息 沉溺漆黑無聲的海底

08. 陌生人: 當我們擦身而過 那短短一秒鐘 都明白 什麼都變了

09. 記念: 想念變成一條線 在時間裡面漫延 長得可以把世界切成了兩個面

10. 好想放假: 我好想放假 拖了鞋 曬太陽

Friday, August 29, 2008


Just listened to 楊千嬅's 撈月亮的人on youtube.

月半彎 淡如逝水一般映照你下落
陝路短 走過璀璨情境漸漸微薄
讓背影 盪游湖水深處擁抱我月光
歲月短 遺下一片弱質纖纖愉快感覺

It's been a while since Miriam released a song that I really like. It has mood of a lonely, dark, late summer night. It also reminds me of a traditional Chinese lullaby 月光光 that my mom used to sing to me....

It's impossible for Miriam to go back to the era of 再見二丁目 in the late 90s. Like everyone else, her song selections changes as she grows. Listening to her early hits on my iPod today still brings back snippets of elementary school memories. Yes, I grew up listening to her. I think I might have had a crush on her too :)

Her "girl next door", sweet, radiant, and youthful image; her early indie Canto-pop songs; her distinctive laughter... will always be ingrained in my mind.


My favorite Miriam Tunes :

01. 愛人: 明天將會更好的信徒 如害怕煩惱為何期望太高

02. 再見二丁目: 無論於什麼角落 不假設你或會在旁 我也可暢遊異國 放心吃喝

03. 零號: 如福音 不過是沒法感動我的情信 誰願愛愛我 我就誰都信奉

04. 深息: 要愛無謂考慮 刺痛時從不畏懼 每每就算任性揮之不去 任歲月再催

05. 電光幻影: 愛恨無常 雪落無聲 色不過色 卻礙了空性

06. 魂斷威尼斯: 紅和白浮標間 經過一條船一條船 遊人在笑可惜我是個單數 無伴侶可抱

07. 芬梨道上: 這山頂何其矜貴 怎可給停留一世 只得很少數伉儷 在這風景線上建築關係

08. 風采依然: 落地大窗的那面 繁盛也好比往年 約了我的卻未見 有人連手機都 偷看幾遍

09. 出埃及記: 如好景 不會漫長 為何迎面風涼如伸手 不見下場暫時 讓我冥想

10. 直覺: 縱是忙於工作 記著騰空一角 儲備了寂靜蜜意濃情 再細認黃昏一抹夕陽

SIDENOTE: The Live Version of 撈月亮的人 features Ellen (from at17) on electric guitar! Two of my sweethearts performing together! :)

Actually, the two of them kinda look alike... This is my type I guess.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Outrageously Funny Comedian... Kathy Griffin

(Paris Hilton, a horseatula, a horse fucked a tarantula in a good way XD)

Kathy Griffin is the most inappropriately funny redhead! She calls herself a D-list celebrity and she has tons of fun making fun of the A-listers! For that very reason, she has been banned on most talk shows in the US.

Her comedy materials are based on imitating and calling out other stars's crazy behaviors, inappropriate pussy/dick jokes, topped with loads of profanity.

Since I'm now jobless and out of school, I've been spending hours per day watching Kathy's comedy specials and her reality series My Life On The D-List on youtube!

And holy fuckballs, watching her shows and stand-ups sure do make me happier.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Birth Chart... just for fun

Don't get me wrong. I never read/believe horoscopes at the back of tabloid magazines or whatever. I don't need a book that can hardly get its facts straight to tell me how to live my week.

However, I do believe in the sciences behind astrology, that the positions of the planets in the solar system at the time you were born, may provide indications of who you really are, your personalities, behaviors, etc. The most important thing to take away is that once you know who you are, embrace your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Somethings about my signs are really true: STRONG need for freedom (or the dislike of contraints), independence, love of knowledge, loyalty and commitment in relationships, passions in arts, speeches, the mood swings...............

I have the qualities of a VERY typical sagitarrius person.

I think they mentioned somewhere about being good at sex (ahem*) haha.
Name: Dominic Ngai
Sex: M
Date of Birth: Dec 3, 1986
Place of Birth: Hong Kong

Sun: Sagittarius (represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy)
- idealistic, enthusiastic and warm-hearted. He is independent, has a taste for travel and freedom.

Moon: Sagittarius (represents the emotional responses and self-image)
- need for personal freedom and space. They are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk, as long as they don't feel caged in or cooped up.

Mercury: Scorpio (represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit)
- observant and astute, always reading between the lines and looking for the real meaning behind things. Passionate in speech, excellent at strategy, attracted to the Arts, moves around a lot professionally

Venus: Scorpio (represents emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others)
- Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleasure, have a strong need to control their partner, if disappointed or deceived in love, he can become bitter

Mars: Pisces (represents the desire for action and physical energy)
- Energy levels fluctuate a lot, coming in bursts of activity followed by inertia, often let life "happen" instead of trying to control their life direction

Jupiter: Pisces (represents expansion and grace)
- attracts the most good fortune when he is charitable, tender, devoted, compassionate, never goes outside the bounds of legality

Saturn: Sagittarius (represents contraction and effort)
- has his own way of thinking about a subject, has his own ideas about things, respects society and its rules guide his conduct, has a sense of organization and responsibility

Uranus: Sagittarius (represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty)
- shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively, very independent, original and does not tolerate constraints on his freedom

Neptune: Capricorn (represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty)
- discerning, wise and sensible, succeeds due to his brilliant and unusual ideas

Pluto: Scorpio (represents transformations, mutations and elimination)
- great sexual activity, has will-power and ambition, and likes to have his own way

Ascendent (House I): Virgo (self identity, how one acts in life, personality as seen by others, and the attitude towards life)
- there is an intelligent and reserved aura about Virgo rising individuals
- somewhat shy
- needs time to analyze things around them before they warm up to situations and people
- especially interested and concerned with physical health and attracted to mind-body awareness
- tendency to worry a lot, especially when confronted with new situations
- notice the tiniest details that others overlook.
- tendency to appear rather collected and professional, relationships can sometimes be messy

House II: Libra (area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions)
- income may come either as a result of an advantageous marriage, through artistic expression, or by a very useful association

House III: Scorpio (area of social and intellectual learning)
- a good investigator because he is very curious, likes researching and does this with a lot of patience, likes to solve mysteries

House IV: Sagittarius (area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth)
- will certainly marry a foreigner, or go to live abroad permanently and set up home there

House V: Capricorn (area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling)
- absolute example of the "serious" type. Everything is calculated, the slightest risk analyzed, patience is one of his main qualities

House VI: Aquarius (area of learning by material transaction)
- likely to be involved in professions of teaching

House VII: Pisces (area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action)
- spouse's lack of energy and vitality will annoy him, and this could lead to the break-up of the marriage

House VIII: Aries (area of emotional security and of security of the soul)
- will tend to spend more money than he earns. Be careful of any haste that could prove dangerous

House IX: Taurus (area of learning that shapes the identity)
- doesn't change principles, practically never changes mind

House X: Gemini (area of material action)
- likely to have professions requiring lots of change and movement. Likes to move, travel, write.

House XI: Cancer (area of search for social and intellectual security)
- have sincere and life-long friendships, family comes first

House XII: Leo (area of education and of emotion)
- have problems with authority or someone in charge

Friday, August 22, 2008

Party of Unity.

CNN's Larry King Live and AC360 are all about Obama's VP pick tonight. The final answer will be texted to supporters on Saturday morning. So... now we know Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh have been checked off the list and it makes Joe Biden, former presidential candidate and Senator of Delaware, the most probable choice.

But wait.

What about Hillary? Although all along she has expressed she's not interested in the job but isn't she the most obvious and most fitting candidate for the VP spot? Wouldn't her being Obama's VP easily bring the 18 million Americans who voted for her in the primaries on the Obama wagon? It seems like a easy solution to unify the currently split in half Democratic Party.

Or, is the "Hillary is not being considered" message all a smokescreen put out by the Obama campaign? Guess we'll know tomorrow.

Just for the record, I'm all for Hillary being VP!

(Update @ Aug 23 11am): Joe Biden it is!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Perfect Summer Day...

Photos Taken & Editted By: Dominic
Location: Main St. Unionville
Date & Time: Aug 21, 2008 (2:30-3:00pm)
Music: Sigur Ros, Savage Garden, Jason Mraz, Amy Winehouse, Yael Naim, 蔡健雅, 莫文蔚, 楊千嬅...

UPDATE (10:45pm): OMG!!! I just received a notification that I won an award from Ryerson's Philosophy & Music Department for my ACHIEVEMENT IN MUS505 (Popular Music)! This is a perfect, gorgeous, wonderful, lovely day!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Goodbye & Goodbye.

Two very different sets of goodbyes this week.

First of all, I said goodbye to a good friend of mine, Carrie, who's leaving to pursue her career. We wish her all the best in the future! This is the second goodbye we said this year, after Billy. There are some friends that you don't have to see all the time but still feels very comfortable talking to. This group is one of them...

I used to have a lot of difficulties dealing with goodbyes. Not very good at them. My parents leaving to back to HK, me going back to Toronto, etc. Heartbreaking is the only word to describe the intense sadness.

However, time heals all wounds. In the past few years, I've voluntarily and involuntarily, happily and sadly, said goodbye to a lot of people. I wish they are all well, whereever they are.

On a lighter note, here are some of my favorite dishes of the night:

Fruit and shrimp salad

Taiwanese popcorn chicken

Waffles with vanilla ice-cream and fruits

here was another goodbye to bebe, a good friend's dog. Coping with the death of pets must be difficult. I only hope Leo and his family will be strong to get through this.... I regret that I haven't had a chance to meet bebe, but she's lived a happy life.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Born To Run...

A really good habit of mine since summer of 2005 ----- JOGGING!

I jog about 3-4 times a week, for about 35-45 mins each time. It not only keeps me in shape, it's a great training for the mind. When you're running, you set a goal for yourself, and your mind is 100% focused on achieving it.

Running is also a good way to clean out all toxic substances out of the body and brain. It's a little getaway from all the pressure and negative emotions from our daily lives.

Some might think jogging is a little boring, it might be true but there are ways to keep yourself entertained --- for me, my ipod is my best running-mate. I have two sets of songs that I'd listen to during my workout routine - DANCE and ROCK!

Some of my recent favorite dance tunes:

1. 一個人 - 林憶蓮
2. 花見 - 何韻詩
3. 熱島小夜曲 (Wideboys Club Mix) - 陳奕迅
4. 一一 - 黃耀明
5. 跟珍芳達做健身操 - 容祖兒
6. I Love New York - Madonna
7. Only This Moment - Royksopp
8. They Don't Want Music - Black Eyed Peas
9. Viva Life On Mars - Robbie Williams
10. Stoned - Dido

Some of my favorite rock tunes:

1. Hungry Heart - Bruce Springsteen
2. 2+2=5 - Radiohead
3. Rootless Tree - Damien Rice
4. The Show Must Go On - Queen
5. Viva La Vida - Coldplay
6. 衝衝衝 - at17
7. 林檎の唄 - 東京事變
8. Goodbye & Hello - 蔡健雅
9. 將愛 - 王菲
10. I Will Be Fine - 莫文蔚

Sunday, August 17, 2008

6 Faces of Bob Dylan... I'm Not There

Just finished watching the first of the two DVDs I bought today, in celebration of my streak of A's in all 3 summer courses I took (GPA shoots up now!!).

I'm Not There is the story of the singer-songwriter/protest singer/folk-rocker/modern poet ----- Bob Dylan. However, instead of presenting his legacy chronologically, Bob Dylan is portrayed by 6 different actors and the story happens in parallel to , but separate from, each other. Just like Richard Gere's character said in the ending monologue, "it's like yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all in the same room."

I love Cate Blanchett's portrayal of the substance-abusing, diva-attitude rocker side of Bob Dylan (during the mid-60s). Her imitation of his incoherent answers to dumb questions from the press was truly humorous.

Heath Ledger, who plays the "family-man" side of Dylan who ultimately fails to keep his family together was also satisfying to watch. There's something about Heath Ledger that I feel familiar with personally, don't really know how to put it into words.

I first got to know Bob Dylan's music in an American Pop Music elective course I took earlier this year (which I got an A+ in, haha). I wrote my essay on Folk music of the 60s and how it tied in with Vietnam and Civil Rights movement of the time. Of course, Dylan was a major figure at the time because his lyrics and music very bluntly points out the current situation and people's emotions, which connected with the young generation who overwhelmingly opposed the war and unfair treatment of Black Americans.
My favorite song of Dylan is The Times They Are A-Changin':

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize what you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

Basically, it tells the old generation to fuck off and let us take over cuz their ideology is wrong and outdated, causing people to suffer at home and abroad. I think young people of all generations and backgrounds should listen to Bob Dylan's songs. During our rebellious years, these are words of wisdom. Perhaps I'm still a teenager, perhaps I still got that flame of anger in me, perhaps.

Friday, August 15, 2008

D N'd (The End).... is a new beginning

The date & time: August 14, 2008. 9:23pm.

After the exam, I walked out of Eric Palin Hall. Went by the student residence building and into Rogers Comm. Center. Took the bridge that connected me to Kerr Hall and Library. I went downstairs to the exit of the Library.

I realized, this is my final time taking this routine route. My university life has come to an end.

It was dark, cold, and quiet. My ipod played Exit Music (for a film) by Radiohead:

Wake from your sleep,
the drying of your tears,
Today we escape, we escape.
Sing us a song,
a song to keep us warm,
there's such a chill, such a chill.

I took a good look around, not sure when or whether I'd be returning any time soon. This school, these people, these memories, all seem a million miles away.

What seemed to be a second home for me in the past 4 years, is now a place that I'll no longer be a part of.

After a longer (slower)-than-usual walk to Dundas station, I paused and thought about what will be next. Uncertain, don't know yet.

假期過完 有甚麼打算...
走過一個天堂 少一個方向...
不能滿足 不敢停站 然後怎樣...

What I know, is that this chapter of my life is over. And, a new one is just about to begin. I'm sure that He'll look after me. He'll have my back.

Now, this school, these people, these memories, are a part of my history, they'll always have a very special place in my heart.

(My first blog entry is dedicated to my business buddies at Ryerson, everyone I've met here in the past 4 years, and this very special campus.)

Photos Taken / Editted By: Dominic