The date & time: August 14, 2008. 9:23pm.After the exam, I walked out of Eric Palin Hall. Went by the student residence building and into Rogers Comm. Center. Took the bridge that connected me to Kerr Hall and Library. I went downstairs to the exit of the Library.
I realized, this is my final time taking this routine route. My university life has come to an end.
It was dark, cold, and quiet. My ipod played Exit Music (for a film) by Radiohead:

the drying of your tears,
Today we escape, we escape.
Sing us a song,
a song to keep us warm,
there's such a chill, such a chill.
What seemed to be a second home for me in the past 4 years, is now a place that I'll no longer be a part of.
After a longer (slower)-than-usual walk to Dundas station, I paused and thought about what will be next. Uncertain, don't know yet.
走過一個天堂 少一個方向...
不能滿足 不敢停站 然後怎樣...
What I know, is that this chapter of my life is over. And, a new one is just about to begin. I'm sure that He'll look after me. He'll have my back.
Now, this school, these people, these memories, are a part of my history, they'll always have a very special place in my heart.
(My first blog entry is dedicated to my business buddies at Ryerson, everyone I've met here in the past 4 years, and this very special campus.)
Photos Taken / Editted By: Dominic
Hello dearest Dominic,
Very touching entry. I agree, I was so confused and kind of lost when I walked out of Ryerson for the last time. Feels like it was just yesterday. But this just means that we all have to get together, talk about memories, classes and see each other more often. The same goes to you, you made a huge impact on my life while I was in school.
What are your plans since you are officially done? Let me know! I want to have dinner soon. I will also keep an eye out for you within the company I'm at now. Since Market Research was a class we had together, it seems fitting that we may possibly work together too.
Miss you tons, take care.
Hello Dominic! Your entry is so touching!! Now i am thinking what i m gonna do on my last day of school...slowlyyyyyy walk ard Ryerson?!? May be i shld take some pictures too!! I will be sooooo lonely in my last yr since you guys are ALL GONE!!!!! I can't imagine how i m gonna survive without u guys...=(
Neways, congratulations!! Enjoy the new chapter of your life:)
Hi Dominic~
I felt the exact same way on my last day at Ryerson. The 3 years went by so fast, like a blink of an eye. I still rmb the first time we worked together. It was for that IBS simulation. Till this day, I still believe that that was the bestest group Ive ever worked with, hence, our first place in class =))) lol.
Although we've only met for 2-3 years, but I'm happy that we're friends. You were also a great school buddy and co-worker! =D Like Amanda said, lets all meet up sometime and do some catch ups!
Lastly, congrats to your graduation & good luck (to the both of us) in finding a good job =))))
Best Wishes,
Hi Dominic,
Wow reading your entry sure brings back memories.. and we just graduated too.. I will always remember walking on that bridge, esp during winter :). Can't quite recall my last day at Ryerson, but my last day of exams.. I was so eager to finish them, but right now I wish that I would have taken the time to enjoy one of my last days in campus.
This past 4 years have been a both a joy and a pain.. but in a way meeting you all made it much more bearable... wow I feel so sad right now b/c I won't be having classes or seeing you guys as often as before...Well, hope we all keep in touch with each other, and best of luck to all of us in the future.
PS. Good idea on the blog, now I'll go and listen to that Radiohead song...
THANKSS for all your msgs. They all brought snippets of memories back... good ones, like getting good grades and the fun conversations we had about all kinds of stuff... and bad ones, where we were so stressed out about tests/assignments!
Anyhow, it was definitely worthwhile to go through all that and meet so many nice ppl along the way! We can go for dinner/sing k when stephanie's back from hk...
miss you all!
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