CNN's Larry King Live and AC360 are all about Obama's VP pick tonight. The final answer will be texted to supporters on Saturday morning. So... now we know Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh have been checked off the list and it makes Joe Biden, former presidential candidate and Senator of Delaware, the most probable choice.
But wait.
What about Hillary? Although all along she has expressed she's not interested in the job but isn't she the most obvious and most fitting candidate for the VP spot? Wouldn't her being Obama's VP easily bring the 18 million Americans who voted for her in the primaries on the Obama wagon? It seems like a easy solution to unify the currently split in half Democratic Party.
Or, is the "Hillary is not being considered" message all a smokescreen put out by the Obama campaign? Guess we'll know tomorrow.
Just for the record, I'm all for Hillary being VP!
(Update @ Aug 23 11am): Joe Biden it is!
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