It's my favorite Western song of the year because it's so bouncy and happy. I remember spending countless summer days listening to it in the car, on stereo system, on my iPod... and it never gets boring. After the summer, our world took a steep drop into the wrong direction and a song like this, so simple yet uplifting... can be a great cure for all our losses and dissatisfaction.

Genre - New Age
From Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust (Jun 24, 2008)
In their latest album, Sigur Ros became a little more acoustic and a little less grand. I personally prefer their spacious and grand soundscape a little more, just like in Festival. The vocalist's dynamic voice... the strings and other sound effects back him up... it's really amazing, and you need a good stereo system to really appreciate the richness of their sounds... it's totally out of this world.

Genre - Alternative Rock
From Safe Trip Home (Nov 18, 2008)
An album and song about goodbyes. Like Sigur Ros, Dido became a little more minimalistic in her music in her 2008 album too. Grafton Street, dedicated to her late father, has some haunting flute bridges as a tribute to her Irish heritage, making it much more unique... not to mention Dido's always soothing vocals. My school life ended this year... I am now just thrown into the real world without any directions... And no more saying goodbye for the last time again...

Genre - Blues / Pop
From My Blueberry Nights OST (April 1, 2008)
Not a big fan of Wong Kar Wai, but Ms. Jones' music has been part of my life for the past few years. The Story is like an extension of her 2007 album, taking a darking, more bluesy turn in music. Her lower register and the cello in the background makes this song so much more powerful and touching.

#5. Warwick Avenue - Duffy
Genre - Soul
From Rockferry (Mar 3, 2008)
As Amy Winehouse is off this year with zero contribution musically, several blue-eyed soul singers emerged in the UK music scene... and Duffy is my favorite one for sure. She's got that bittersweet raspy voice that adds a lot of flavor to the material she sings. Warwick Avenue is one great masterpiece, it's got that 60s vibe and Duffy's superb vocal performance... and the control of emotions is well handled.
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