Rating: 88/100
01. 青山黛瑪
02. 安妮寶貝
03. 楊子經書
04. 丹賴斯隊
05. 查理淑儀
06. 堂吉訶德
07. 少年維特
08. 愛德蒙多
09. 風見志郎
10. 美空雲雀
Listening to Hocc's latest Album "Ten Days In The Madhouse" is like walking into a big house with ten rooms. You would open each door to visit the occupants of each room (or song).
Madhouse might be Hocc's most daring and far from mainstream album to date. When she announced a project to raise awareness for mental patients, I was excited but also a little worried . Is the HK audience ready to accept an album based solely on this sensitive social issue? Will her music collaboration with Hobing and Hanjin be "big enough" to support this concept?
A main reason why I'm a fan of Hocc is her determination. The determination to focus only on the quality of her work. The determination of going after something she believes in. It's a great feeling to see her succeed time after time, even if obstacles arise one after another. I like people who know exactly what they want and would fight for the causes they believe in.
After listening to Madhouse several times now, my worries are gone. Hocc has once again delivered, and in many ways, evolved again.
We open the main door to see a little girl named 黛瑪. And we're joined by her to take a look at around this madhouse and visit her roommates... from the view point of someone with mental health issues. Are we really that different from them? Don't we see "normal people" do crazy things all the time?
In terms of techniques, Hocc's higher register has always been her weakness til now. There's a much smoother transition from chest to head voice. All her high notes seem more natural and less forced.
世間太傻 而你是天才旁人話你悲哀
不過在你眼中清醒才悲哀 繁忙才悲哀
Along with 黛瑪, we opened the first door and see another young girl called 安妮. She's from a poor family, but always happy. Money doesn't guarantee happiness. And happiness should never be based on how many LV hand bags, expensive cars, and houses you have.
The song itself is okay, less emotional than the previous track but it's a nice tune before moving into the intense and fast tempo songs coming up...
然而舊區小朋友多 寶貝有天國
楊子經書 / 丹賴斯隊
The 3rd and 4th rooms bring things to a broader perspective. We see mad behaviors of the so called normal people, or even ourselves sometimes. The former speaks of the self-centeredness of mankind. Every man for himself. The latter talks about those who like to rush to and follow crowds. But why?
Hocc adopts Hanjin's freestyle, funky music style in both tracks. I personally like the electronic vibe of 楊子經書 a little more, but they both don't leave a deep impression... it's just not Hocc's style.
In the fifth room, we meet "Charlie and Cherrie" in the title. They still believe in true love, they are deeply in love, they vowed to protect one another til death do us part.... and people think they're crazy. Is there still true love in this world? I'm personally starting to doubt this notion myself too.
Here comes the first climax of the album for me. It's such a simplistic melody with the most beautiful and touching lyrics. Actually the demo version "Daisies" with just lalala was beautiful enough for me to dub this track a spot in the top 3 of this album.
查理淑儀 歷遍人生風雨
又携手 笑迎 海嘯時
如何維繫 互相保護而已
In this room, we meet a young man who lives in the world of online and video games. There are so much possibilities in the internet, we can find all kinds of things to make us happy there. When we make our way back to reality, it often disappoint us with all its cruelty.
Musically, it's another simple tune with pop rock influence, probably the closest thing to Hocc's earlier "rocker chick" style.
An angry teenager awaits us in the seventh room. I think we can all see ourselves being this guy at some point around our high school years. He's angry and unhappy about everything... his love life (or lack of), his parents, peer pressure, the uncertainty of his future, and probably most of all, himself. I can certainly see myself in this song...
This is hands down my favorite of the album. The lyrics, arrangement, vocal performance are all in unison. It has the ability to bring your mood down, it's like a a ton of weight being dumbed on your shoulders. It's probably one of my top 3 favorites of the year too. Oh my goodness, I still can't recover from the shock of this song...
你為何話我 常在鏡前投訴
溫室裡長高 從來無能力 殺出新血路
你為何話這 純屬少年煩惱
即使你早知 人明天非更好
In the eighth room, we meet 愛德蒙多. A smart boy at school, gets good grades, but is being punished by his teachers for asking too many questions. Being someone who just graduated, I feel the education system here and around the world has forgotten to include classes to teach us how to survive in the real world. They just dump us out after they've sucked our tuition fees dry. In this case, 愛德蒙多 wants to find out more about love... as for me... sigh.
Another nice ballad (1 of only 2) in the album. But it's just not as good as track 5 查理淑儀.
沒法躲 知識滲出的恆河
洪流浸死了我 是古書哪本的錯
在試卷 誰剔出我階級前途 剔出怯懦
In the second last room, we find the Japanese Superman wannabe. He lives for one cause, and one cause only... to save the world. Plants, animals, and other natural habitats are being eliminated by humans as our population grows exponentially. It might take more than one man to do this job... but we can all make our own baby steps to try to make this planet a better place to live in.
This acoustic folk-pop track is another watercooler spot of the album. Although it's got great lyrics and it's in one of my favorite musical styles... I think it's lacking in some aspects... or else, it could've easily been in the top 3...
沙粒也顫抖 一粒一粒一粒拯救
可能 他的身軀好比妖獸
At the last stop of the tour of madhouse, we see a little songbird. It is flying freely high in the sky, it brings a glimer of hope to the residents here. To all of us. If we stick together, if we believe that we can change the world together, it can really be done one day.
It's probably my #2 favorite of the album. As the closing track of Madhouse, 美空雲雀 carries an important positive message. The progression in the arrangement and Hocc's vocals is really uplifting and it brings you out of the blackhole we were sucked into at the beginning of this album. Another spectacular vocal delivery by Hocc... again her higher register sounds stronger than ever here.
看著藍天空 穿了一個洞
有誰還可以 信奉
同病抱擁 扶持上進
天下為公 靠携手相信
Strongly Recommended Tracks (in order): 少年維特, 美空雲雀, 查理淑儀, 青山黛瑪, 風見志郎