Novemeber 26, 2008.
Hundreds are dead and wounded in Mumbai.
It's another one of those horrific days in our times. It's hard to understand why people would use such methods to express their radical world views, their disagreements against so many innocent people.
November 26, 2008.
My first day of work... I enjoy working there. My coworkers are fun to be with. But honestly, I don't want to work there. I believe I deserve something better, but I'm so tired of waiting. I'm so exhausted of the fruitless search. I'm sick of the continuous bad news in the economy.
I'm so tired, exhausted, and sick.

烏托邦 - 謝安琪
(From 2008 Album "Binary")
曲/編/詞: 周博賢
聽說有處 怪誕到極限 哄騙虜拐偷呃 獲豐足三餐
處世太正派 會有大難 靠正宗真功夫被視作不懂得 轉彎
叩拜富貴 不休的戀棧 判斷正反忠奸 著重多少資產
哪個較拮据會遭到待慢 越是有千億家財 越得到偏袒
爭相要脫貧致富 個個也發難
未習慣會漸漸慣 社會雖荒誕 起碼包裝燦爛
大眾向利字進發 已閉起雙眼 不去分好與爛 腐化 被盛讚
盼要富貴 多麼的簡單
(RAP: 放暗箭 出口術 投機 擦鞋搞關係
沽名釣譽 踩住人地個頭上 做世界仔)
再信致富靠儲蓄太浪漫 現在每一分耕耘 獲七分孤單
這些叫與時進化 過去已破爛
未習慣會漸漸慣 社會雖荒誕 起碼包裝燦爛
大眾向利字進發 已閉起雙眼 不去分好與爛 腐化
未習慣會漸漸看慣 社會雖荒誕 起碼包裝燦爛
大眾向利字進發 已閉起雙眼 恐怕越見越煩
不慣也會漸漸變慣 試放開感歎 且看花火燦爛
一眾已向利字進發 為瞬間璀璨
手法不需設限 腐化 被盛讚
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