Believe it or not, Mr. Segal's speech was actually the highlight of the ceremony, in my opinion, it wasn't boring, or long-winded, or filled with words and phrases that normal human beings rarely use in conversations. The speech was quite enjoyable and humorous, there were also some points that I could take home and reflect upon.
Ellen (at17) wrote on her blog over a year ago a passage that I still remember:
"今天去了一個天主教的畢業禮. 看到很多有心人, 有些人傷心, 有些很平靜, 但令我最感動的是他們全都很有愛心.... 神父說了一句讓我很欣慰的話, "死亡不是生命的結束, 而是改變" 所以我相信我今天去的是一個畢業禮, 而不是一個喪禮."
To me, my convocation today was a funeral. It was to commemorate the past 22 years of my life. From the moment I walked across the stage, shook hands with the school officials, received my degree, I realized I am no longer a kid.
My convocation signified the end of my reckless years, and the beginning of my adulthood. Am I growing up to be the person I wanna be? I'm not quite there yet, but I've been making pretty good progress. :)

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